Posts Tagged ‘marketing ’
Build Your Bookshelf

On the subject of landing pages and the most critical ones, we cannot forget the Bookshelf Landing Page.
Your bookshelf landing page (or site, or section of your site) is the one-stop place for everything about your books. This page can be a whole section of your site or even a site unto itself depending on your body of work.
For me, I have several bookshelf landing pages. Here are some examples:
All books (novels, short story collections, & Bible Studies). As I put new books out, I put one new post on this site and link it to the various options. When I do tweets that point to the book and the various places you can get it, this is where I often send visitors. I put this site together after I started in the Kindle/Nook market because I hadn’t been keeping up with my website, and rather than spend time revamping that one, I simply put up a new blog that was more site than blog.
Later on, this morphed into my Ebook Romance Stories site. This site combines the keyword/Adwords that we talked about earlier and the idea of a bookshelf. In contrast to the Staci Stallings bookshelf, this one focuses only on my romance novels. However, it is more indepth in that it has a review for each book, the first chapter of each one, and an excerpt. Each of these pages is a landing page unto itself. I can, for example, send visitors to the first chapter for Cowboy or an excerpt from Lucky rather than to the entire site. Also, because it is search engine optimized, it is now climbing the charts for the keywords: Ebook Romance Stories and Romance Stories. As it gets closer to the top spot, I should begin to get organic hits that I don’t directly ask for (from people just searching these terms on Google).
Finally, I have a very simple bookshelf on my Spirit Light Books blog: In fact, this one needs some updating, but the idea is if someone comes to my blog, I want them to have a super-easy option to find out more about my books.
Think through setting up your bookshelf page, pages, or sites carefully. They can make wonderful landing pages for your future promotions.
Imperative Piece: Reviews!
by: Staci Stallings While we’re talking about landing pages and specifically Amazon landing pages, there is something I need to point out. Reviews are IMPERATIVE! Prior to getting reviews, you need to make sure your copy is as error-free as you can make it. Once you’ve done that, you need to start getting…
Landing Page: Author Central
Send to Kindle We’ve talked about landing pages–those places where you will send potential customers and readers to see more about you. One of these pages should be Amazon’s Author Central page–especially if you have more than one book or one book in more than one form (Kindle and Paperback). I have to admit that I…
Book Landing Pages
If you’re an author, after your website, your most important Landing Page will probably be your Amazon book page (or your Smashwords/B&N, etc.). I’m going to talk here about Amazon because they have a dynamic page that you can do many things with. If you have other book landing pages, you can take…
Websites –The Hub of Your Internet Presence
As you can see, on the Build the Hill graphic, the only thing bigger than your website is your actual books. Your website is your essential presence on the ‘net, your ultimate landing page. Now you may decide to use your blog for this purpose, and that’s fine. But you need to think…
Recent Comments
March 27, 2020 | By: Janice Phillips
I found your article very true. Your advice to get help and let others know when bullying is happening …
June 4, 2019 | By: Susan Preston
You are so spot on with this post. I have 'lost' a much-loved teenage stepson, now many years ago, but …
August 31, 2018 | By: Donna Shelton
Lovely and informative page. I am so impressed by your Christian light that shines through every post. God …