Posts Tagged ‘Faith ’
Leave It All Behind: The Well, Casting Crowns
“Leave it all behind.
Leave it all behind.
Leave it all behind.
Leave it all behind…”
With that clarion call, Casting Crowns begins their song “The Well.”
The first time I heard the song, I was clearly in “get on with it mode.” You know, that state of mind where you don’t have time for “this.” As I recall, it was my oldest daughter (who is 17) who first brought me the song. One of her friends had told her to listen, and it made such an impression on her that she thought I would like it too.
However, I was in my office, doing bills or sending statements or any one of the thousand other things I do when I’m sitting in this chair.
So when this first part started, part of me wondered if the iPod was stuck or something.
Seriously. “Okay, I get it already. Get on with it!”
But isn’t it amazing how God works, and how hard He sometimes has to work to slow us down?
Have you ever looked at your watch in church and wondered how much longer this was going to take? Have you ever calculated just how much more time is left?
I know when my son was younger, he had the patience of a gnat at the first freeze. He would ask, “How much longer?” I finally figured out a way to tell him without using time. I would simply lean down and say, “We’ve got six more songs.” Then I’d count them down on my fingers. This seemed to work very well.
But how often do we get into this “how much longer is this going to take, God?” mode. Devotion time. Prayer time.
The question is… why? Why do we speed-buggy through life like that? What is it we’re trying so hard to get to? I think, ironically, most of us are trying to get to a place where we can just rest. But in trying so hard to get to rest, do we sometimes miss the resting part altogether?
I think that’s why my spirit jangled so hard that first day.
“Leave it all behind.
Leave it all behind.
Leave it all behind.
Leave it all behind….”
Close your eyes.
Leave it all behind.
Let go.
Just be for a moment.
Leave it all behind.
Don’t worry about what comes next
or how you’re going to get over there.
Just relax and breathe.
Leave it all behind.
It’s hard, I know, but I think that’s the first step toward returning to sanity. “Leave it all behind…”
Questions that Make You Go Hmmm… #7
by: Staci Stallings We are, by nature, an outcome driven people. To win the game, we will spend hours practicing. To have a comfortable retirement, we will work and save for 65 years. To be successful, we will go to school, then to college, then get a job and work endless hours. Outcome…
Questions that Make You Go Hmmm… #6
by: Staci Stallings This was not one of my planned questions, but God planned it for me. 98% of the time, I’m with God. I mean, we’re a team. We drive together, write together, clean together. There’s hardly a time that we’re not together. Then every-so-often something happens that totally throws me into…
Questions that Make You Go Hmmm… #5
by: Staci Stallings So far we’ve examined some interesting questions about God and our relationship to Him. If you’re like me, there are days I so feel God’s Presence and days He feels very far away. I know from my studies and personal experience that when God feels far away, He didn’t move.…
Questions that Make You Go Hmmm… #4
by: Staci Stallings Human beings seem to be hard-wired to go for something. It might be to win. It might be to succeed. It might be to be the best at something. It might even be to grab as much pleasure as possible by doing as little as possible. It also seems that…
Questions That Make You Go Hmmm… #3
by: Staci Stallings It’s amazing how basic these questions are and how very wrong I got the answers for oh, so long in my life. Not only did I see God as a vindictive employer, I also answer that I was worth something only if I performed well. Those two questions were bad…
Recent Comments
March 27, 2020 | By: Janice Phillips
I found your article very true. Your advice to get help and let others know when bullying is happening …
June 4, 2019 | By: Susan Preston
You are so spot on with this post. I have 'lost' a much-loved teenage stepson, now many years ago, but …
August 31, 2018 | By: Donna Shelton
Lovely and informative page. I am so impressed by your Christian light that shines through every post. God …