Posts Tagged ‘Faith ’
Feeling Like Y’all

by: Staci Stallings
Now most of the time I come here to encourage you and give you insights into what has worked for me so maybe you can see a little light and move toward it. At least that’s the goal. Don’t know how successful I really am at that sometimes.
Well, at the moment I’m using every single weapon, coping mechanism, and insight I’ve given you over the years on myself.
I can’t explain all of it, but it starts with an overwhelming amount of work, volunteer hours, and summer all hitting at the same time.
Yesterday, was insane trying to set up new things on my CrossReads site, tying up loose-ends, and doing maintenance on things that are WAY above my ability to do. The whole day was go to God, go to God, go to God. Breathe. Take this step. Go to the well. God has a plan. Keep taking the steps…
It was NOT easy!
I’m really glad He’s patient and very understanding because otherwise, He would have thrown me out of the Throne Room by about 3 p.m.
I would have thrown me out! Yes. It was that bad.
But together God and I made it to today… to another round of overwhelming work.
Add to that a volunteer task (i.e. VBS!) that starts in two weeks. I don’t have 3 of the 5 scripts written. Very few of the props are done. And I’ve got a gold cape that I don’t think is going to make itself (although I really wish it would!).
So in case you ever think, “Oh, Staci never has to battle to get things done. She’s superwoman and she just floats through life on a cloud of success…” Know that NOTHING could be further from the truth.
And this headache isn’t helping anything.
I do know, however, that a lot of this is just Satan’s way of trying to collapse the system, and I think he’s getting frustrated because I just keep taking these steps. Moving forward. Not at all sure how I’m going to get all this done. But not really looking at that or thinking about that. God’s got a plan. I just have to keep taking the steps…
Just keep taking those steps….
With a lot of prayer and a boatload of TRUST!
So for those of you who think that I’ve never felt like you, that I’ve never been discouraged or overwhelmed or tired or really wanting to look at the storm and then go crawl under the covers, this week was sent to prove that’s not true…. even for me. It’s just a really good thing I’ve learned to hold onto God and refuse to let go! I hope you are learning to do that too!
Have a blessed day!
“I can count on one hand the books that truly moved me, touched some place deep inside and changed what I thought about life and love. I come away from this story completely breathless, unable to gather my thoughts and go about a normal day, doing normal things. Instead, I’m caught into a world where dreams come true, where love isn’t simple, but is grand, where a boy and a girl from opposite sides of town see in each other the same things and a way to bridge the gap…”
Putting People Together
by: Staci Stallings There are very few things in this life more fulfilling than helping someone else reconnect with God. There are also very few things that can be as frustrating. Now picture this: You and I are standing in a dark room that has an unplugged lamp. YOU have the cord. All…
Practicing Your Faith
by: Staci Stallings You know for as long as I can remember, I’ve heard the term, “Practicing your faith.” People would ask if you were a “practicing Catholic” on forms when you or your child planned to receive a new Sacrament. Of course, I knew what that meant (or thought I did). You…
“Temporary Pleasure”: The Well, Casting Crowns
by: Staci Stallings God is so brilliant. Because I took a week off, He laid the foundation for this discussion right in my lap this morning at Sunday School. We were talking about the 10 Commandments and how God laid them out so the most important “thing” — Him is first. Then He…
“Feel the Change”: The Well, Casting Crowns
by: Staci Stallings As you could probably tell from my post last week, I’m not a Type A personality, but I play one on TV. My first problem is there is just so much to do. At the moment, I have three businesses, a husband, three kids, a church, two large extended families,…
“Rest”: The Well, Casting Crowns
by: Staci Stallings “Just rest in My arms awhile. You’ll feel the change, My child.” Rest. It seems like such a simple concept, doesn’t it? Strangely, it’s a concept I’ve been “wrestling” with for awhile now. First it was because I had so much to do that never seemed to get done. Then…
Recent Comments
March 27, 2020 | By: Janice Phillips
I found your article very true. Your advice to get help and let others know when bullying is happening …
June 4, 2019 | By: Susan Preston
You are so spot on with this post. I have 'lost' a much-loved teenage stepson, now many years ago, but …
August 31, 2018 | By: Donna Shelton
Lovely and informative page. I am so impressed by your Christian light that shines through every post. God …