What an odyssey this has been!
More than 18 months ago, I knew I wanted a new website as the oldest one that I started in 2001 was simply a mess because of old formatting. I enlisted the help of one designer, but after three failed tries to get a design and multiple changes, she kind of disappeared. I tried again 8 months later, but ended about where I had with the first one.
Finally, last November, I knew I had to do something. I hired a place, and the design was finished very quickly (and nicely, I might add). Then came the fine-tuning aspects, which have taken much longer than I anticipated.
However, I really (honestly this time!) feel like I may be close to having my all-new site ready to go. I am hoping to officially launch it Monday Jan. 28, 2013, but for now, please feel free to browse. There are only a few things not quite working yet (like the marketing blog). Hopefully those will be fixed very shortly.
I hope all my readers will enjoy the new site and be able to find things easier than before when they were scattered on three or four different blogs.
Thanks for staying with me, and I hope we’ll be back to the inspiration and romance very soon!
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