Day 4
Last time we talked about the results of our hill. We said if our hill looks like this:
we do all the work for very little benefit, and when we stop promotions, everything stops or goes backward.
If our “hill” is flat, like this:
We have to push very hard to get anything going. When we stop, it stops. But here we do have a few places to at least promo what we’re doing.
If our hill is downhill–we have content and places to post and a good amount of viewers, the going will be a bit easier:
But what we really want is a landslide:
So how do you get Landslide Promotions?
To get Landslide Promotions, you have to think terms of four things:
1) Build your hill
2) Find viewers & followers (pull)
3) Promote your content (pull/push)
4) Exponentialize
We will work on each of these individually, but for today I want you to visualize it this way:
In Build Your Hill/Landslide Promotions, you start by building your hill. If you have no hill, your promotions will go nowhere.
Your hill is any base of content you can come up with. It might be your blog, your books, your Twitter account, or your website. It is your platform. Now a hill with no viewers will not do you any good, but viewers will not show up if you have no hill either. So you have to have all of these:
1) Content
2) Viewers
3) Promotional efforts
Deleting any one of these components and you will have an uphill or flat rate of promotional success.
But doing just these three will result in downhill marketing.
However, if you want Landslide Promotions, you have to go one step further and “expoentialize”–that is find ways to get your message out through other people’s hills as well. When you do this, Landslide Promotions begin to happen.
In the coming weeks we will talk about all of the components pictured in Build the Hill. For now, consider where your marketing is and how you can take it to the next level through these components.
This is a great visual of the combination of efforts it takes to successfully market. Thanks for sharing it!