The Indie Author's Ultimate Guide to KDP Select Free-Day Campaign will walk you through how to set up and run the same "Kitchen Sink" strategy that netted the author the #1 Top 100 Free spot for 36 hours, bringing in 47,000 downloads in the first two days. After those first two days, that book went to #1 on four Amazon best seller's lists and stayed their for a month!
Find out how!
Book Overview

By the middle of March, I had decided not to use my last 3 free days with “Coming Undone” because I felt like it had performed very well for a test run. I had also learned that those who ran the books again had fewer and fewer downloads each time.
Plus, I had learned something else: Running book after book through free days was a great way to convince your audience that they could simply wait until your next free day rather than buy your books. I saw this happen to a few authors and quickly decided that was not the way to go.
So with all of that in mind, I embarked on preparing to enroll a new book, “Deep in the Heart” in KDPSelect, with a target date of April 18 and 19, 2012 for my free days. Then I took everything I knew about how to run a KDPSelect campaign (“the kitchen sink”) and started to work. And it was work.
Don’t let anyone fool you into thinking you can just put your book up there for a couple free days, and it will garner you thousands of downloads and you will be an instant success. In my experience, it doesn’t work that way. However, there are strategies and tips that you can use to help your book do as well as possible and bring in subsequent sales that maybe you’ve never believed are possible.
Fantastic Resource (5-stars) –Jabberama
I majored in marketing and business in college, but I’m 30 years behind the curve. This online marketing is a whole new ballgame. Thank goodness for this book, because it helped me get up to speed. Now I feel confident that I can run a good campaign when I put my eBook out there during the KDP free promotion. After reading this book, I’ve even become a Twitter aficionado . The book is packed with clickable links so you can get going fast. I put it on my Kindle app for PC and used it while I was working. This is worth far more than the $4.99 I paid for it. Kudos to Staci.
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I found your article very true. Your advice to get help and let others know when bullying is happening …
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You are so spot on with this post. I have 'lost' a much-loved teenage stepson, now many years ago, but …
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Lovely and informative page. I am so impressed by your Christian light that shines through every post. God …