Take Your Finger OFF the Talk Button

March 8, 2012 | No comments yet

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by:  Staci Stallings

Today in Sunday School we did the classic “Our Father” skit in which the poor person is just trying to get through the prayers as fast as possible, and God isn’t letting her.  It’s so funny.  Every time she says a few words, God interjects His thoughts until she’s too befuddled to continue.  I told the kids I used to pray really fast, I’m talking SPEEDDEMON fast!


Man, I could get through that prayer in about three breaths if I had to.

Why?  Because I had other “more important things” to do and praying?  Well, it was on the list under “duty,” and once that was checked off, I could go on with the rest of my day or evening.

So this little skit always makes me smile and cry just a little.  I remember me back then, and I think of all the things I missed by having a one-way conversation with God and that was it.

I told the kids that it’s like we have walkie-talkies with God.  Have you ever played with walkie-talkies with a friend?  They are like a cell phone except for the talk button.

The talk button is pressed when you want to say something, and released when it’s time for the other person to talk.  If you never release the talk button, you will never get to hear what your friend is trying to say.

The same thing is true with God.Easy Way Ad New 1-2014

I think too many of us have our fingers mashing down the talk button when we talk with God.  We tell Him our wants, the things that would make us happy, our desires, the things we want Him to fix or finish.  Maybe we say a memorized prayer or two and then…

We shut the walkie-talkie off and go about our business.

So my question is, when we do this, when does God get to talk?  Do we ever let Him?  Do we ever in prayer-time just get quiet and listen?  Or is it a one-way so we can get it checked off our to do list conversation?

I challenge you today to take your finger OFF of the talk button.  Just listen.  Don’t do.  Just listen.  Get still, be quiet, and listen.  You might be surprised that God’s been trying to talk to you for a very long time!


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