Marathon or Sprint Blog

April 5, 2012 | No comments yet

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This topic was touched on before, but I wanted to spend a little time talking about it a bit more so you can design your blog scheduling for maximum success–for what you want it to do.

The basic idea is that in track, some runners are sprinters and some are marathoners.  Very, VERY rarely is a track person both.

It’s the same with a blog.

Some blogs are sprint blogs, some are marathon blogs, and you need to know the difference as you’re designing.

A sprint blog acts more like a website.  It is designed to be set up and then promo’ed, rather than updated frequently.  Not that you can’t update a sprint blog, but if you do, it won’t be as often as you update a marathon blog.

An example of a sprint blog is my Ebook Romance Stories blog.

I crafted this blog literally in about a week.  Each post is cross-referenced on the pages rather than standing alone.  So I have a page for First Chapters… each of the entries on the list link to a post that contains a first chapter of one of my books.  Excerpts and reviews each have their own page.  This blog was designed as a website so that I can send readers there to read about each book.  I only update it if I either have some new information–new covers for example, or if I have a new novel come out.

The sprint blog is put together all at the same time and then left (except for promo’ing).

A marathon blog is quite different.  It will require more of your time and will need to be updated as long as you want the blog to run.  This is more of what people think of when they think “blog.”  Marathon blogs contain posts written about topics as extemporaneous or editorials.  I have several marathon blogs.  The one that’s been in existence for the longest is:   I have been posting to that blog since 2008 or so.

This marketing blog is kind of a cross between a sprint and a marathon.  My goal is to post like a marathon blog, but when I run out of relevant topics, I will stop posting and just direct traffic (G&F members) here to learn about marketing.  So why would I have a blog that’s not a marathon blog on marketing?  In short, I was spending great amounts of time walking people through these concepts.  I decided it would be easier to think them through and get them all written down in one place than to rewrite them each time a new person asked.

So think about the purpose of your blog.  Are you envisioning a sprint blog–something more akin to a website?  Or  marathon blog, which will require much more information and time commitment that will not have a finite ending?

Design your blog with those parameters in mind!

Next time we’ll talk about Comments and getting people to participate on your blog.


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