by: Staci Stallings
I know we haven’t finished our last discussion on the relationship-with-God topic, and I will get back to that, I can almost promise you.
The problem is right now, I feel more like bouncing than focusing.
Do you know what I mean?
Sometimes I’m incredibly focused. Laser-focused. So focused, someone can call, and I can talk and work and get five things marked off my list before the call is over.
Then there are other times.
I think part of this is because I was so laser-focused and then that got shifted to Christmas, which diverts my focus. When I try to come back to the original focus, it’s like I can’t really see anything for awhile. That’s the way I feel right now.
But I’ve also learned that I can’t wait until I get focused again to come back, or I might never come back!
So this is my rambling, unfocused, trying to refind my focus blog that might seem kind of pointless to you, but also might inspire you to realize that it’s okay to take a breath and just be where you are sometimes. Even if that means “where you are” is not overly clear at the moment.
While I’m bouncing, I will tell you that last year’s theme for me was “healing and helping others heal.” This year’s theme is “INSPIRE!”
I would love it if as we go through the year, you might take just a minute or two to leave me a note below if something from this blog (or any of my work) inspires you. What did it give you the push to do?
For me, I see so clearly how often people hold back from things they really want to do because they might “fail” or “what would other people think” or “I might not be good enough.”
This year, I believe God is going to work through me to INSPIRE others to put those excuses away and do it anyway.
Do it scared.
Do it bad.
Do it until you get good.
I have a friend who when I met her a couple years ago literally said to me that she didn’t know why I bothered with her because she was “almost 70 and what did she have to offer at this late date in the game.”
I want you to know, that same woman a year and a half later is now playing the piano for our retreats! I taught her a few chords and how to put them together. She practiced and then practiced some more, and then mentioned that she might like to play with us. Well, guess what?! This wonderful, beautiful woman who would have thought you were CRAZY if you’d have told her two years ago she would be up there playing the piano in front of everybody is now PLAYING THE PIANO… in front of everybody!
It’s never too late!
It’s never too early either.
My daughter, when she was four, started playing the tambourine when we were practicing. My other friend was blown away because my daughter could keep the beat. Now, said daughter is 14. She plays the drums, guitar, piano and the violin (some). Only one time did I try to tell her that she was “too little” to play something–the day she learned four chords on the guitar and was playing along with me in 30 minutes! (Yep, I learned MY lesson!)
Whatever your excuse is…
There are no limits.
What do you want to do?
What makes your heart sing?
What have you always wanted to do but always talked yourself out of trying?
How about today… right now… in this brand new year, we decide together to be inspiring by going for our dreams together!
Regardless of what people say or who tries to talk us out of it.
Sounds like a great plan to me!
Oh Staci, what piece of your work hasn’t inspired me? Light in the Darkness is my all time favorite. I’ve read it numerous times and received countless blessings. But today, I have to say The Easy Way Out. Life is full of choices. Some are easy, some are very difficult. Do we always make the right decisions? No, not always! The results can be depressing and heartbreaking. Drew and Charity made some unwise choices that resulted in irreversible consequences. They learned to work through them, knowing God was at their side. They just needed to take the first step, to take things day by day, hour by hour and even moment by moment. God will be there through it all. The scene where Drew tells Charity he will be there for her and asks her to not take the easy way out is truly inspiring. Life is full of challenges, and full of pain. Choosing to run away might seem right. But God in his infinite wisdom WILL direct you in His plan,to hang in there and take it step by step, day by day,and even moment by moment. Drew and Charity’s story certainly encouraged me to NOT TAKE THE EASY WAY OUT. So Staci – thank you!