Now, from #1 Best Selling Christian author, Staci Stallings, learn the secrets to living with True Power and Real Peace-- no matter what storms come up in your life! Stop struggling. Start living.
Learn the importance of taking "this step." Learn how to work with God's Will instead of against it. Learn how to live with the Source as your strength instead of trying to get strength from resources that are bound to fail.
Every page is packed with deep insights and real life solutions to your deepest problems. Be a better parent, a better friend, a better you!
Today can truly be the day to start on your path to True Power & Real Peace!
Companion ebook to ~ The Faith Series ~
Book Overview

God is the potter Who designed us, created us, and loves us beyond measure. Once you understand that, you know you are not alone for He is always there, helping you, guiding you, shaping you, and loving you. You do not have to do one more thing for Him to love you. He already does. You do not have to be a success, have money in the bank and a nice car in the garage for Him to love you. He already does.
Make this understanding the basis of your study of True Power & Real Peace. Without it, you may be enticed to think that the power that comes through you is somehow of your own making. Without it, you may come to see those moments in which the guiding cloud in front of you stops as a reflection on you that somehow you have failed. You have not failed, you are simply learning to more perfectly align yourself with what God intended from the start.
Make no mistake, some in the world will do their level best to knock you out of peace, to make you doubt the power that is coming through you, to convince you that it can never work this way—or at least confuse you enough to make you doubt that it ever can. In those instances, I say what I always do, “Go to God. Go to God. Go to God.” Ask Him. Trust what He tells you. Rely on Him to show you the next step.
When you do that, the world will hold increasingly smaller amounts of sway in your experience, and you will be set free from the bondage Satan so badly wants to put on your life.
Life-Changing! 5-stars, Farm Girl
I was first introduced to True Power and Real Peace through Staci Stalling’s novel A Light in the Darkness. As part of the story line, the character’s, Holly and Gabriel, spent many evenings reading a book called True Power and Real Peace. As these characters dealt with trials in their own lives, this book was a key guide in helping them work through these trials and find God’s path. Little did I know how much affect True Power and Real Peace would have on my own life. When I finished A Light in the Darkness, I so wanted more. I was thrilled to see Stallings release of this book.
What a simple idea it is to turn your life completely over to God. Life tends to make that more difficult than it is. We all want a life full of peace and joy. This book shows you how to find that true peace in your own life.
The best part of this book was Stalling’s style. I did not feel preached to or looked down on. I felt like I was with a friend who was sharing lessons from her own life with me.
Recent Comments
March 27, 2020 | By: Janice Phillips
I found your article very true. Your advice to get help and let others know when bullying is happening …
June 4, 2019 | By: Susan Preston
You are so spot on with this post. I have 'lost' a much-loved teenage stepson, now many years ago, but …
August 31, 2018 | By: Donna Shelton
Lovely and informative page. I am so impressed by your Christian light that shines through every post. God …