by: Staci Stallings
I realize I’m weird. Let’s just get that part out of the way right now.
Let’s also dispense with the fact that I’m a multitasker by necessity not necessarily by chose.
Finally, let’s put the fact that I’m learning that life is a process back on the table as that’s important for this post.
First the multitasking part. At the moment because of the way my life is currently configured, I am in process on many projects including:
Writing, publishing, and marketing my books
On-going financial matters for our family and four businesses
Promotion and marketing for my two author groups: Grace & Faith Authors and CrossReads
Blog posts and guest posts, a sale, and setting up (at this moment) five different book blasts
Designing advertising for my books
Final preparations for my parents’ 50th Anniversary (which by the time you read this will be over)
Coordinating a major fundraiser for my son’s school (last year to do that… YAY!)
As of last Tuesday, preparing for college!
No. I’m not going back to college, but my oldest will be going OFF to college in T-minus one year and counting. Therefore, it’s time to add a new “to-do” to the list.
Remember when we talked about the process last time? Well, let me tell you, THIS is a process. There are dates to remember: September 1, November 1, December 1, February 1… There are concerns to iron out: Which dorm is the best for her? Will her current car need to be replaced before then?
And of course, the class schedule.
Now, here’s where I’m weird…
I LOVE class schedules!
I don’t know why.
For one thing, maybe I like the planning stages of things. For another, I like the overwhelming nature of the beast, how the pieces can be fit differently to create different outcomes, getting everything in without overloading any semester but also doing it all as quickly as possible.
It’s FUN!
And so yesterday, I spent here amidst lists of basics and requirements, prerequisites and codes.
Who knows how it will all play out. Will she succeed with the dual credit classes she’s going to be taking? Will we be able to swing the extra classes at the community college? Lots more questions than answers at this point.
But it’s kind of interesting to look at the next five years like that. It’s the first step in this new process, and that’s just kind of cool.
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